About Deepti G Gujar

I can simply be described as a person born to explore life. Since childhood I was drawn to the mystical, the occult and mythology. As time Deepti G Gujarprogressed, this daydream fascination turned into exploration of the day to day life – relationships, finance, travel, culture, people, food, psychology…everything fascinated me, and still does!

Little did I know though when I picked up Dr.Brian Weiss’ book, Many Lives, Many Masters in 2006, that my whole life was on a brink of whirlwind transformation. Through an inner calling I delved into past life regression therapy – at first for my personal healing and to seek answers that had plagued me since childhood which eventually led to helping others like me to find their answers through their own stories buried in their psyche.

Over the course of time, this seek for inner growth and transformation became deeper, unraveling a deep spiritual hunger for experiencing home, oneness. A breakthrough came through Dr.Newton’s Inner Child Work workshop that helped me tap into parts of my childhood that were almost entirely wiped out of my memory. This workshop unleashed layers of anger, turmoil, anguish et al accumulated since childhood, and through the personal care of Life Research Academy, I was able to heal, let go of ages of trauma and start a new journey towards wholeness.

Enroute this spiritual pilgrimage of the past five years, life took me to exploring other spiritual pathways like angel therapy, EFT, The Work, Rebirthing-Breathwork (both by Dr.Newton and Leonard Orr), and self-inquiry thanks to lovely friend and guide, and another spiritual teacher, Nithya Shanti. I now use a combination of these intuitively to help fellow seekers dive into their consciousness and empower themselves.

Across these years, my mainstay though has been anapanasati meditation i.e simple awareness of one’s breath, taught to me by Brahmarshi Patriji that has helped me build the muscle of awareness. This is also the meditation that I love to introduce to people who start sessions with me as a tool to develop awareness and self-growth.

Although self-development has been the mainstay of my life, I am highly involved in nourishing the gift of writing which has been carried forward since many lifetimes and recently published a true life story in the compilation How The Phoenix Rose released across India and UAE (more here). Apart from this, I actively write poetry, movie reviews and lyrics (more here), love singing & speaking in various languages and am an avid traveler with a love for adventure sports.

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Past-life Regression Therapy

I trained as a past life regression therapist from Dr.Newton & Dr.Lakshmi Newton at the Life Research Academy. Though time is considered to be linear by people, in terms of consciousness it is not. When one becomes fully aware in the present moment one heals the past, present and future simultaneously.

Why do it:

This therapy is best done to heal recurring patterns in our life, feelings of being ‘stuck’ in certain life situations, discovering one’s life purpose, healing on specific issues such as abuse, sexuality, health disorders, having phobias / fears, discovering deep-seated connections with certain people, recovering hidden talents.

For more on Past Life Regression, and for taking personal/group sessions, click here.

Inner Child Work therapy

This therapy deals with healing one’s subconscious beliefs that one got moulded “unconsciously” into as a child from current as well as past lives. It involves a fine balance between psychotherapy and spiritual principles through techniques that are deceptively simple and yet healing at many deep levels.

Why do it:

Through Inner Child work people have healed issues related to drug addictions, sexual addictions, destructive relationship patterns as well as social fears. Once the inner child is recovered through a series of ‘playful’ sessions, one begins a process of embracing one’s powerful sub-personalities that operate in our minds. Our inner child helps bring to consciousness what is deeply embedded in the subconscious and is powerful in unleashing creativity, spontaneity, receptiveness to the world and spiritual/inner parenting.

For more on Inner Child Work, and for taking personal/group sessions, click here.

Angel therapy

This was something that naturally fell into my lap as a result of the spiritual transformation I had gone through during my intense PLR training. I was serendipitously led to Doreen Virtue’s books, through which I now read Angel Cards and other Elemental (Unicorns, Fairies, Mermaids, etc.) Cards and teach others how to read and interpret them so as to communicate with a level of creation that is both fascinating and endearingly magical!

Why do it:

Connecting to the angelic guides helps us release various fears related to safety and heal relationships with with family, communicating with one’s unborn child and has been useful in healing even pets, with astonishing results. Our very DNA contains these ‘angels’ – which are nothing but a form of our own energy deeply embedded in our DNA which can get activated through the practice of meditation.

Self inquiry

Through these years of working on my mind I have come to understand the place of self-inquiry techniques such as Byron Katie’s “The Work“, discovering one’s personal lie, finding out the root cause belief operating behind common fears, worries and day to day situations.

Why do it:

Beyond taking sessions from a therapist if one continues to operate at the same level of thought-processes, one is bound to create a dependency on sessions akin to being dependent on medication. The responsibility of our life lies with us at any point of time and these techniques can be used to fine-tune our discernment, alongwith a meditation practice that builds the awareness muscles.


This is a powerful but aggressive technique that relies on the power of cyclic, continuous, conscious energy breathing that I have learnt from Life Research Academy as well as Leonard Orr’s Rebirthing Breathwork International.

Rebirthing-Breathwork also works strongly with elements –

  • fire sessions to burn away toxic emotions, thoughts and heal loneliness
  • water sessions to relive the birth memory, release in-utero memories and physical ailments that have their source from in-utero state
  • earth sessions to reconnect with the grounding energies of earth

Elements heal the mind faster than mind can heal the mind.

Why do it:

Our most destructive “anti-life” patterns come through our birth trauma because being born is more traumatic for a human being as it is the first separation from consciousness/Source/God that he/she experiences. Life is decided before birth but death is decided upon arrival by the soul and is as much a conscious choice as living is on a moment to moment basis.  The way these destructive patterns show up in our life are through lack of self-worth, trust issues, incorrect food habits, blocking financial well-being, emotional issues, etc.

A minimum of 10 dry rebirthing sessions are recommended to start with.

Other techniques

Other techniques practiced and taught to various people over a period of time include: EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Switchwords, Affirmations, Visualisation, Art of Self-Care and cultivating an attitude of Gratitude based on Buddha’s teachings.

For personal/group sessions in any of the above therapies, or simply consultations, please contact her at: [email protected]


  1. Priya
    July 30, 2009

    Where do you have your clinic? I would be interested in undergoing PLR. Please do let me know. thanks

  2. Leena Bhilarkar
    August 20, 2009

    Hey … Its amazing that you are healing people and that you have discovered the purpose for which you are in this life …and keep up the good work ..i ‘ve been reading information on past lives & twin souls for a year now . I started with Dr.Brian Weiss’s “many masters many lives”and went on to read “only love is real”, i did start reading much on Twin souls as well..With all this knowledge i felt that yes lot of our current situations are a result of either the experiences in this life or those that we may have carried forward from our past lives..This definitely also makes a way for a healing process,be it through PLR or our own intervention of knowing ourselves better through meditation or any such technique.I too have developed an interest in learning the methods of healing and may be in future would love to make my contributions to human community as well..i tried mailing Dr Brian but he’s of too big a stature to respond to commoner like me.then i got your link from one of my friend whose friend personally knows you and m glad that i saw your site and could relate to it..so much …
    I have a belief that there are certain incidents which happen in our lives which draw us closer to finding what spirituality is all about..we start looking for answers and start our search only to discover that there is so much of mystery within ourselves..
    I look forward to hearing from you, perhaps i would like to meet you sometime .For now i am sharing my mail id :
    [email protected] , do reply back and share your co-ordinates,awaiting your responce.
    Take Care,

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