Depth and Creativity

* Depth –
Most people confuse sadness with depth. People love sad music, sad lyrics, sad songs, et al. But one must understand, by listening to the same things over and over again, we are giving energy to the same…and many times, we end up fueling our own “sadness” within us.
One needn’t let go of sadness to experience depth either. Go beyond it. When one goes into a mode of observation, one will see that there is a layer of sadness, which at first seems all important, but as you keep on observing it, there is an invisibility of emotion, best described as “nothingness”. That is Depth.
If you continue to observe happiness or joy, then you will again see that there is a finiteness to that emotion as well. When you go to that point of observation, you will again find a nothingness there. Like vast plains of sand with nothing “interesting” which are completely even and equable. That is again Depth. A creation arising out of this is an uncolored creation – creation that emerges pure from an essence, rather than one that is colored by shades of perceptions. This is also a point where creativity transitions…

* Creativity and creations –
I was very passionate about “my” music and “my” writings. After inner child work, I realized that a large part of this passion is more an insecurity – it’s an insecurity arising from not knowing Who we really are. Under the pretext/perception of passion, we often hide insecurities regarding our identity. We identify with the music we listen to. We identify with the works of art we create. We provide evidence of this to the world by saying, “this is me, and this is not me”. It’s about time we rise and can say, “It Is. I am.” because after all, It Just Is…and We Just Are. If you have read Byron Katie’s “The Work”, the last question in it is very meaningful: “Can you imagine yourself without it?” – extend this to the art you have. You are more infinite than your creation or your creativity. Your existence is more blissful than the art-form you have created. You are like the spaces in music which are pulled in by the formness of the notes to draw attention to them. So focus…on the notes as well as the spaces between – subtle and deep at the same time.
So what is Passion? So far all I can say is, it’s yet another term for Bliss, when you are completely connected to your own Higher Source. There lies an exhilaration about doing things purposelessly. Of creating, independent of reason. An Ecstasy which is described by Khalil Gibran as:

“To be wounded by your own understanding of love;
And to bleed willingly and joyfully”

For aren’t Passion and Ecstasy Soul-sisters? 🙂

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