Past life regression – Questions answered through my personal experiences

PLR is root cause therapy, simply put. If you read quantum physics or have some idea of it, you would know that Time is non-linear. Consequentially, we can go back and forth as we wish. PLR works on this simple concept for me. You can go back in time, and re-frame your actions in the past. As a Butterfly Effect, the equational resulting situation in your life undergoes a change.

Questions answered with my own experience:

* Can we remember what we have seen while undergoing a session even after the session?
> Yes. Although there is so much information that is flowing in when you are in a session, that you definitely need someone to record it and replay it to you. That’s one thing a regressionist, or a facilitator, does.
This happens when you have completely shut down your “mind” – rather there are very few thoughts. These memories pop up and are unanalysed. The less of an analytic, the more “real” the memories are in the session. That is the main reason why we generally say, “trust the process completely. Surrender to it”.
Experience: During my second rebirthing session(a technique of PLR), I was able to completely give in to my feelings, visions, etc. The sensations I had were tremendous. I saw a past life where I had led a very poor and cannibalistic lifetime. The point in that lifetime to which I was regressed, I saw myself in a graveyard. I saw a vision of me as an ugly looking man crouching near a grave(Clairvoyance aspect – wherein you see). The information that came in was that I had waited stealthily for the burial ceremony to get over so that i could dig the grave and recover the body(Claircognizance aspect- wherein a lot of information flows in). After that I had a vision of me eating the recently buried body. Therein I also sensed that the person who’s body I had dug out, had not yet transcended. The soul, who happens to be my soulmate in this lifetime too, was moaning, asking me to stop doing that; to realise my Divinity(Clairsentience aspect – wherein you feel/sense/smell/taste).
The purpose of this regression was to recover and face my ‘dark side’. After this session I was able to embrace and accept and then heal my dark side. I also realised how I was being taken care of even at the lowest point of my human lifetime. I learnt what is meant by “being human”. Moreover, I realised that these supposedly “bad” or “evil” lifetimes, whether our own or others’ serve a purpose – souls choose this to gain an experiential understanding of qualities of love, humanity, security, etc. Hence, I learnt judgment of any situation, incident, lifetime or being is useless. This understanding for me is priceless.

*  Can one do PLR just to know what was there in our past life…out of curiosity?
> I know for sure that PLR is very serious business. As described above, it recovers aspects of you that go beyond your imagination. For people who are “newly” taking a session, the mind conflicts, rules which are nothing but beliefs, conflict. This conflict causes people to resist. Which basically means they refuse to accept. As with anything, lack of acceptance causes pain. So people also tend to jerk out of the session and might feel impacted, thinking – how can this be possible? how can I be this way? 🙂
Before you feel only the bad things come through, let me personally assure you, there are also recollections of lifetimes that have been perfectly beautiful and relatively uneventful. The purpose of these lifetimes is to teach you how simple a human life can be, and still it can teach so much experientially.
Experience #1: In one PLR session I took for a person who was merely curious, she regressed to only one vision: that of her being a young girl of about 7yrs alone on a beach. This was just 20 minutes into the regression session. Before I could regress her any further, she snapped out sharply. When I asked her what the matter was, she said, there was too much loneliness…. she couldn’t take it. I was taken aback. From this session I learnt not to take sessions for people who lack understanding of what a session can be like. It also demonstrated a lack of acceptance of a feeling as strong as vulnerability.
Experience #2: In a rebirthing session I took for another person, he regressed to a lifetime of a shepard where he lived a very simple life. He saw himself lovingly taking care of each and every goat and sheep he owned. His family consisted of only his sister, who is also his sister in this lifetime. He felt his love for the earth, gazing at the stars at night, the weather, the Earth and its beauty. He also experienced intensely how simple life can be. Then he witnessed his sister’s death, and how he was left all alone. He saw it then why he has been so close to his sister in this lifetime. He felt sheer and intense sadness at her loss, and the loneliness. He continued down that lifetime as a shepard who was lost in loneliness and his thoughts. Then I regressed him to the day of his death. At that time, he saw what he described as cosmic dust…like the small particles one sees in a ray of sun. He felt being carried by these particles. Then he felt his soul hovering above his body and he dissolving with those particles and becoming the particles themselves. When I asked him what he learnt from this lifetime, his face was in the most tranquil state I have ever seen anyone in. He smiled angelically and said, “Only Love matters. I learnt what Love is”. I had to leave him in that state for quite sometime before he could come back to this lifetime. When he did, in the post-session talk, he put together another vital piece of this lifetime – his burning passion for Nature and mother Earth. He said he felt Love and the intimate relationship with Earth that no one can put in words. And he finds a way of expressing this by being a very active environmentalist today.
The purpose of this regression session was a deep sense of dissatisfaction felt generally by the person, who was then struggling with finding the right career and a good job. After the session he completely lightened up and started enjoying life for what it was, with a sense of contentment. Soon he also attracted an amazing job which supported all his needs and desires like good people to work with, passion for creativity, being close to his house, etc. This has been a recurring observation of mine that after one learns to be Divinely content, our core desires manifest easily and effortlessly.

* Will I get stuck in a past life?
> What I have experienced is that the maximum that happens especially in the case of one or more traumatic past lives is that one continues to see that same past life in more than one session, and the effect of the first session is very strongly felt in that space of time between the 2 sessions, be it a few hours or few weeks. But “stuck” is not the appropriate word. It’s just emotions from that session which will take up a major part of your attention.
In order to let go of these feelings, one must ground oneself. For this we regressionists generally advise people to eat chocolates, take a walk in nature, dip your feet in the water or doing some physical activity so as to get re-oriented in the current life. Even activities like pottery, painting, gardening, etc. help a lot after the session to allow the person to get oriented again. Of course, every session must be followed up with a talk with the regressionist regarding your realizations and feelings during the session, about the session, as a regaining-of-composure of sorts activity. There should be no rush here. Many a times I have experienced my clients suddenly popping up with realizations relating to their day to day activities like, “oh, that’s why I feel this!! that’s why I do this!”. These are very important, because they give you a mental understanding about how eternal your life truly is.
Experience: I had attended Dr.Newton’s Basic PLR workshop when I had seen only 1 glimpse of my traumatic lifetime as a Nazi grave digger/worker in Germany. That one glimpse rocked me to the core even after I have had numerous sessions of traumatic lifetimes. In addition to that one glimpse, a lot of information flowed in as always – I was questioning in my head how can we be called the superior race if we don’t value human life? Around me I could feel many tall souls mourning soundlessly. It was an intensity of emotion which felt so gray and cold that it seemed it was devoid of Life Energy itself. After the session, I was sitting in one corner holding my face in my hands. But I could “self-therapise” myself by telling me that I forgave myself for choosing this. It was then that I learnt the balance of Karma. An understanding about Hitler and the life he had chosen – his was a soul which had chosen to undertake a very heavy karmic burden so as to teach thousands of souls a lesson in humanity they would never forget. Inspite of being an agent in causing such a tremendous transition in souls across the planet, he still would be balancing out this Karma. There was another hidden lesson for me in this. When we act on a superior’s orders to kill someone or harm someone, it still is a choice, and we are the only ones responsible for that choice. The superior is no where involved in this choice, something Richard Bach explains in his book, One. All of this was the aftermath of the session.
The purpose of this session was soul retrieval; when a very traumatic incident occurs, a soul “leaves” a part of it in that lifetime. On re-visiting such a lifetime and the incident these energies integrate back into us. This session helped me overcome my resistance towards learning German which absolutely surprised me when I became aware of it. I was able to sail through my German exam a few days later and score well in them.

* Will I actually “see” things?
> There are 4 ways to re-experience our memories:
>Clairvoyance – Visions like a movie, like dreams, etc. These can be very vivid, rapid, black and white, or colored. Visions also can be very symbolical; when a person’s basic belief system would clash with the actual vision of what happened, then a person sees metaphors or symbols.
Experience: One of my initial and most difficult regression session was with someone who would only get scenes from movies in her PLR session! I later understood this happened because, being a psychologist, she had an extremely analytical mind frame. Later more than one past lifetimes were built up using these scenes and we could piece together the whole story.

>Claircognizance – This is probably the most common way of receiving information – by just “knowing”. A lot of times people get rapid waves of information especially regarding their geographical location, the historical period, family details, social background, etc. of that lifetime. Moreover, this is a common way of what people generally describe as “gut feelings”.
Experience: I had once seen what I call as a ‘transition’ lifetime in which I had transitioned from being a young soul to a mature soul. I first had a vision of a beautiful girl in a white dress and me being an army general. When my therapist asked me do you recognize her from this current lifetime, I immediately knew that person as being a family member I am very close to. The session was a very emotional one as it later unraveled like a movie where I saw she was the king’s daughter and was fond of horses which I would rear in addition to being a general. I then saw how I would take the best horse for her and guard her while she was on it. Later in this lifetime the king was somehow overthrown by a revolution, another piece of information which just came to me. I then saw a vision of how I finally carried her limp body out to the stables, laying her on the hay and weeping uncontrollably out of the loss of love, coupled with the information that she was pillaged and killed by the soldiers who were below me. It was a lifetime where I first became aware of what love feels like.

>Clairsentience – Sense of taste, smell, touch and feelings. It’s possible to smell the dinner on the table or wood or flowers or incense and even recognize the specific smells. However, if a person is used to a PLR session, the person becomes more likely to “feel” their feelings – like fear, abandonment, presence of people around, tensed atmospheres, celebrations, etc.
Experience: The first, extremely vivid PLR session I’d had was where I had regressed into an Egyptian lifetime as one of the women in the royal family. This was the basic PLR workshop and the moment my therapist, Dr.Lakshmi, counted down to 1 and said, “be there Now”, I felt a distinct shape shift in my body; my back felt more rigid and I felt taller than I have ever felt before! I felt a tightness of posture suddenly, a grace and stride in my walk, and the distinct feeling that I am royalty, that my feet had never known dust! After that I was asked to look down at my feet by Dr.Lakshmi, and I saw that was indeed true! My skin was the color of amber-honey and I wore gold heavy anklets and a snake-like amulet in my upper arm. I felt something soft and cold move near my feet, and I saw snakes slithering around me while I was in a passage with gold embellished pillars and archways, carrying a plate of gold. I felt gold like never before! 🙂 Snakes it seems were common pets… even in the rich, luxurious baths incensed with roses and other scents with flowers floating around. Moreover, I felt vanity in me which took me by complete surprise. Later I went on to discover I became engaged to a general, a person whom I had connected in my current lifetime very deeply to, but had never cared about him, and lesser still loved him. I later went on to marry him, but ended up having multiple affairs because I loved the status of being married to a general as brave as him, but wanted to have my own conquests to satisfy my vanity. On being regressed to a significant event of that life, I saw this man I’d married lying dead on the royal bed. It came to me then that he had died of heartbreak because I had never realised the importance of love, and loved him. I saw myself kneeling at the bedside and kissing his feet begging for his forgiveness, and realising the futility of money, wealth and vanity.
The purpose of this session was to explore a relationship of this lifetime. The general in that lifetime was someone I had had a tumultous relationship with in this life, and who had left me out of fear that I will cheat him. It was an emotional torture from both sides because we could never develop trust but still felt insanely obligated towards each other, and even a year after breaking up I was not able to accept his disappearance from my life. After this very profound session, I was able to watch the habitual thinking about him my mind had developed with an observational point of view, being completely emotionally detached from the thoughts. Eventually, the thoughts died out.

>Clairaudience – Listening. Here a person can hear a different language being spoken, names from that lifetime being called out and other sounds playing while the person is regressed to that lifetime.
Experience: I was assisting a regression session being done on a fellow therapist who has herself had many PLR sessions done on her. This was one of my practice sessions during my PLRT training. As she regressed back to an ancient Indian lifetime, she started to recall everything! She relayed to us her name as she was called out in the fields, the sound of her ghungroos(anklets) as she was running across them, the sound of the bullock ploughing the farm and later on even  a man selling peanuts at the newly built railway station. It was astonishing for me and my fellow therapist to the detail in which she experienced all of this.

Most people have one dominant way of receiving information, while the other senses are generally muted. Over a period of sessions however, our senses open up more and there comes a time when we completely experience a memory through a balance of all these 4. I generally recommend 3 sessions for a person to completely understand PLR for themselves and integrate the experience intellectually to know which of the senses of that person are really active and to allow the flow of information without mental inhibitors – thoughts.

* How many sessions will I need?
> Generally the first session is a deciding factor. As I have mentioned above, I generally suggest 3 so that the mental receptivity of that person increases with every session. But there are cases where in the first session itself the person has experienced such a fine level of detail that a person feels “changed”. There are also cases where the person’s analytical mind or resistance is so strong, that after 5 sessions with various techniques tried, the person has been unable to see or feel much. There are also many sessions wherein the person has fallen asleep, but the inner subconscious is listening actively!
Experience: In one of my sessions, the first in a line of 3 sessions that I conducted for this client, the person went into a deep relaxed state, but so deep that he stopped talking altogether. I thought he was in sleep since his face was completely immobile. I asked him if he was seeing anything. No response. I then asked if he was feeling any sensations in his body. No response. Then I tried the Ideomotor technique, where I told him to lift any finger of one of his hands if he could hear me. And he did! Then I guided him out of the session. Until I counted forwards up to 5, there was again no response. However, when I said 5 and told him that he will awaken now, he promptly opened his eyes as if from a good night’s sleep and apologized for having slept off in the session. When I told him about the Ideomotor response he had given just a few minutes earlier, he was astounded since he believed he was fast asleep. This session gave me an understanding of how the mind operates even at the subconscious level, and how hypno-therapeutic tapes are actually effective.

It is also important to understand that some sessions have an immediate effect while others take time to reveal their effects in your life. This varies from person to person and case to case. We generally recommend a period of 20 to 40 days for the spiritual process which has started through the session to complete its course show its corresponding physical manifestation in your life.
Another subtlety I have observed is that a person generally doesn’t get too emotionally connected in the first session itself. The best way for a PLR session to work is to completely be there and experience the emotions in their entirety so that complete re-living and hence relieving of that issue takes place.

As described by Judy Hall, a famous past life regressionist, a person generally experiences PLR in 3 phases:

  • First is when a person simply sees images like an observer watching a movie, or photographs, in a completely detached way. Generally the images are very rapid or even blurred at times. Even a non-seeing person gets bits and scraps of information, or hears faintly or feels somewhat unsurely.
  • Second stage is when the person actually finds him/her self there, experiencing the memory.
  • Third stage is when the person physically feels every emotion of the session, regardless of whether the memory was clear to him/her through any of the other senses. These are the most effective sessions when a person completely surrenders and is in a state of flow with his/her emotions. True catharsis happens and this catharsis may continue even hours after the session in the form of crying, writing, speaking, etc. In addition to the catharsis, deep soul retrieval also takes place when one goes into a complete surrender state.

However, there is no fixed measure of the number of sessions a person will take to experience the totality of emotions.

* How long does a session last?
> It again depends on the receptivity of the individual taking the session. On an average, a session goes to about 1 and a half to 2 hours, plus the pre-session and post-session-integration discussion. However, I have heard Dr.Newton cite an example of a session he had taken which lasted 6 hours! Eventually, one must keep aside ample of time for the session – i.e both the therapist and the client.

* Is there any preparation required from the person who is going to undergo the session before or after the session?
> Yes. There is a fair bit of ‘preparation’ which includes the following:

  1. Ana-pana-sati Meditation­ ­- Due to so much mind activity we do on a daily basis as well as improper sleep we generally take, I recommend people to meditate 40 minutes per day for one month before coming to the session. When you come for the session, you should be used to being in a thoughtless state of mind which gets cultivated through the vipassana or ana-pana-sati meditation technique. This will allow you to extract maximum benefit from every session you take. Moreover, even after the session one must meditate to continue healing and integrate the learnings gained from the session.
  2. Observing your dreams­ – Often leading up to the session, and even more so after the session, one gets very significant dreams. Many a times, the spiritual work and realizations of a session continue in dreams. One must keep a book and pen handy to write down immediately everything remembered from the dream(s). Many feel they don’t have dreams, which is not true. Regarding those who feel they can never remember their dreams, it takes a fair amount of practice and laying down a strong intention while falling asleep to remember them after waking up. This is exactly like programming the mind to wake up at a particular time every morning like a bio-alarm. Dream observation for 40 continuous days yields the soul’s own language of talking to you through your subconscious. Like each one with a different fingerprint, every soul has a unique way of communicating to oneself, in the form of dreams, through metaphors, past life memories, symbols, etc. Discovering it reveals talents and sides of you that you’d otherwise never be aware of. and can be quite fascinating.
  3. Observing a vegetarian diet – Food is the body’s primary way to take in Cosmic energy. At the time when you are spiritually working on your self, it is best to regulate the kind of food you eat, such that it keeps you at a high vibrational frequency. Observing a vegan diet, devoid of meat and eggs is the best way to do this. An increase in the intake of fruits with a reduced consumption of milk and milk products is even better. Also, one can observe an organic diet as it is the best. Moreover, one should avoid junk foods, alcohol, sleep-inducing medications and drugs totally.
  4. Keeping aside time on the day of the regression – Make sure you haven’t come from a crazy shopping spree or a movie to take a past life regression, as you would find it difficult to focus. Come in and if required, take some time to get acquainted with the place and the therapist before the session. You can also meditate with the therapist before even starting the pre-session talk to get focused. Moreover, ground yourself after the session. Planning a hectic schedule after the session is a bad idea. One might feel too disoriented from an intense session to be going out for a movie, traveling or being in the midst of crowds. Planning a relaxing activity after the session like taking a walk in a peaceful place, playing with kids and pets, painting, pottery or gardening, etc is a good idea.
  5. Keeping in touch with the therapist – Even after a very satisfactory session you might have questions occurring to you regarding a myriad of things. It’s good to keep in touch with the therapist and get these cleared or get guidance on the same. It helps both the therapist and you if you provide feedback to the therapist regarding the benefits or changes you observed in your life after the session, especially a month to 40 days after the session.
  6. Choosing the right therapist – Meet the therapist before the first session. Take time to gauge your comfortability with him/her. Ask questions, read books. It is very important to be completely comfortable and trusting the therapist completely with your issues/concerns prior to the session. Remember the therapist is a guide, not an absolute. Ultimately your own feelings take precedence.

For more information, please refer to:

PLR is root cause therapy, simply put. If you read quantum physics or have some idea of it, you would know that Time is non-linear. Consequentially, we can go back and forth as we wish. PLR works on this simple concept for me. You can go back in time, and re-frame your actions in the past. As a Butterfly Effect, the equational resulting situation in your life undergoes a change.Questions answered with my own experience:

* Can we remember what we saw while undergoing a session even after the session?
Yes. Although there is so much information that is flowing in when you are in a session, that you definitely need someone to record it and replay it to you. That’s one thing a regressionist, or a facilitator, does.
This happens when you have completely shut down your “mind” – rather there are very few thoughts. These memories pop up and are unanalysed. The less of an analytic, the more “real” the memories are in the session. That is the main reason why we generally say, “trust the process completely. Surrender to it”.
Experience: During my second rebirthing session(a technique of PLR), I was able to completely give in to my feelings, visions, etc. The sensations I had were tremendous. I saw a past life where I had led a very poor and cannibalistic lifetime. The point in that lifetime to which I was regressed, I saw myself in a graveyard. I saw a vision of me as an ugly looking man crouching near a grave(Clairvoyance aspect – wherein you see). The information that came in was that I had waited stealthily for the burial ceremony to get over so that i could dig the grave and recover the body(Claircognizance aspect- wherein a lot of information flows in). After that I had a vision of me eating the recently buried body. Therein I also sensed that the person who’s body I had dug out, had not yet transcended. The soul, who happens to be my soulmate in this lifetime too, was moaning, asking me to stop doing that; to realise my Divinity(Clairsentience aspect – wherein you feel/sense/smell/taste).
The purpose of this regression was to recover and face my ‘dark side’. After this session I was able to embrace and accept and then heal my dark side. I also realised how I was being taken care of even at the lowest point of my human lifetime. I learnt what is meant by “being human”. Moreover, I realised that these supposedly “bad” or “evil” lifetimes, whether our own or others’ serve a purpose – souls choose this to gain an experiential understanding of qualities of love, humanity, security, etc. Hence, I learnt judgement of any situation, incident, lifetime or being is useless. This understanding for me is priceless.

*  Can one do PLR just to know what was there in our past life…out of curiosity?
I know for sure that PLR is very serious business. As described above, it recovers aspects of you that go beyond your imagination. For people who are “newly” taking a session, the mind conflicts, rules which are nothing but beliefs, conflict. This conflict causes people to resist. Which basically means they refuse to accept. As with anything, lack of acceptance causes pain. So people also tend to jerk out of the session and might feel impacted, thinking – how can this be possible? how can I be this way? 🙂
Before you feel only the bad things come through, let me personally assure you, there are also recollections of lifetimes that have been perfectly beautiful and relatively uneventful. The purpose of these lifetimes is to teach you how simple a human life can be, and still it can teach so much experientially.
Experience #1: In one PLR session I took for a person who was merely curious, she regressed to only one vision: that of her being a young girl of about 7yrs alone on a beach. This was just 20 minutes into the regression session. Before I could regress her any further, she snapped out sharply. When I asked her what the matter was, she said, there was too much loneliness…. she couldn’t take it. I was taken aback. From this session I learnt not to take sessions for people who lack understanding of what a session can be like. It also demonstrated a lack of acceptance of a feeling as strong as vulnerability.
Experience #2: In a rebirthing session I took for another person, he regressed to a lifetime of a shepard where he lived a very simple life. He saw himself lovingly taking care of each and every goat and sheep he owned. His family consisted of only his sister, who is also his sister in this lifetime. He felt his love for the earth, gazing at the stars at night, the weather, the Earth and its beauty. He also experienced intensely how simple life can be. Then he witnessed his sister’s death, and how he was left all alone. He saw it then why he has been so close to his sister in this lifetime. He felt sheer and intense sadness at her loss, and the loneliness. He continued down that lifetime as a shepard who was lost in loneliness and his thoughts. Then I regressed him to the day of his death. At that time, he saw what he described as cosmic dust…like the small particles one sees in a ray of sun. He felt being carried by these particles. Then he felt his soul hovering above his body and he dissolving with those particles and becoming the particles themselves. When I asked him what he learnt from this lifetime, his face was in the most tranquil state I have ever seen anyone in. He smiled angelically and said, “Only Love matters. I learnt what Love is”. I had to leave him in that state for quite sometime before he could come back to this lifetime. When he did, in the post-session talk, he put together another vital piece of this lifetime – his burning passion for Nature and mother Earth. He said he felt Love and the intimate relationship with Earth that no one can put words to. And he finds a way of expressing this by being a very active environmentalist today.
The purpose of this regression session was a deep sense of dissatisfaction felt generally by the person, who was then struggling with finding the right career and a good job. After the session he completely lightenened up and started enjoying life for what it was, with a sense of contentment. Soon he also attracted an amazing job which supported all his needs and desires like good people to work with, passion for creativity, being close to his house, etc. This has been a recurring observation of mine that after one learns to be Divinely content, our core desires manifest easily and effortlessly.

* Will I get stuck in a past life?
What I have experienced is that the maximum that happens especially in the case of one or more traumatic past lives is that one continues to see that same past life in more than one session, and the effect of the first session is very strongly felt in that space of time between the 2 sessions, be it a few hours or few weeks. But “stuck” is not the appropriate word. It’s just emotions from that session which will take up a major part of your attention.
In order to let go of these feelings, one must ground oneself. For this we regressionists generally advise people to eat chocolates, take a walk in nature, dip your feet in the water or doing some physical activity so as to get re-oriented in the current life. Even activities like pottery, painting, gardening, etc. help a lot after the session to allow the person to get oriented again. Of course, every session must be followed up with a talk with the regressionist regarding your realizations and feelings during the session, about the session, as a regaining-of-composure of sorts activity. There should be no rush here. Many a times I have experienced my clients suddenly popping up with realizations relating to their day to day activities like, “oh, that’s why I feel this!! that’s why I do this!”. These are very important, because they give you a mental understanding about how eternal your life truly is.
Experience: I had attended Dr.Newton’s Basic PLR workshop when I had seen only 1 glimpse of my traumatic lifetime as a Nazi grave digger/worker in Germany. That one glimpse rocked me to the core even after I have had numerous sessions of traumatic lifetimes. In addition to that one glimpse, a lot of information flowed in as always – I was questioning in my head how can we be called the superior race if we don’t value human life? Around me I could feel many tall souls mourning soundlessly. It was an intensity of emotion which felt so gray and cold that it seemed it was devoid of Life Energy itself. After the session, I was sitting in one corner holding my face in my hands. But I could “self-therapise” myself by telling me that I forgave myself for choosing this. It was then that I learnt the balance of Karma. An understanding about Hitler and the life he had chosen – his was a soul which had chosen to undertake a very heavy karmic burden so as to teach thousands of souls a lesson in humanity they would never forget. Inspite of being an agent in causing such a tremendous transition in souls across the planet, he still would be balancing out this Karma. There was another hidden lesson for me in this. When we act on a superior’s orders to kill someone or harm someone, it still is a choice, and we are the only ones responsible for that choice. The superior is no where involved in this choice, something Richard Bach explains in his book, One. All of this was the aftermath of the session.
The purpose of this session was soul retrieval; when an incident that is too traumatic a soul “leaves” a part of it in this lifetime. This session helped me overcome my resistance towards learning German which absolutely surprised me when I became aware of it. I was able to sail through my German exam a few days later and score in them.

* Will I actually “see” things?
There are 4 ways to re-experience our memories:
>Clairvoyance – Visions like a movie, like dreams, etc. These can be very vivid, rapid, black and white, or colored. Visions also can be very symbolical; when a person’s basic belief system would clash with the actual vision of what happened, then a person sees metaphors or symbols.
Experience: One of my initial and most difficult regression session was with someone who would only get scenes from movies in her PLR session! I later understood this happened because, being a psychologist, she had an extremely analytical mind frame. Later more than one past lifetimes were built up using these scenes and we could piece together the whole story.

>Claircognizance – This is probably the most common way of receiving information – by just “knowing”. A lot of times people get rapid waves of information especially regarding their geographical location, the historical period, family details, social background, etc. of that lifetime. Moreover, this is a common way of what people generally describe as “gut feelings”.
Experience: I had once seen what I call as a ‘transition’ lifetime in which I had transitioned from being a young soul to a mature soul. I first had a vision of a beautiful girl in a white dress and me being an army general. When my therapist asked me do you recognize her from this current lifetime, I immediately knew that person as being a family member I am very close to. The session was a very emotional one as it later unraveled like a movie where I saw she was the king’s daughter and was fond of horses which I would rear in addition to being a general. I then saw how I would take the best horse for her and guard her while she was on it. Later in this lifetime the king was somehow overthrown by a revolution, another piece of information which just came to me. I then saw a vision of how I finally carried her limp body out to the stables, laying her on the hay and weeping uncontrollably out of the loss of love, coupled with the information that she was pillaged and killed by the soldiers who were below me. It was a lifetime where I first became aware of what love feels like.

>Clairsentience – Sense of taste, smell, touch and feelings. It’s possible to smell the dinner on the table or wood or flowers or incense and even recognize the specific smells. However, if a person is used to a PLR session, the person becomes more likely to “feel” their feelings – like fear, abandonment, presence of people around, tensed atmospheres, celebrations, etc.
Experience: The first, extremely vivid PLR session I’d had was where I had regressed into an Egyptian lifetime as one of the women in the royal family. This was the basic PLR workshop and the moment my therapist, Dr.Lakshmi, counted down to 1 and said, “be there Now”, I felt a distinct shape shift in my body; my back felt more rigid and I felt taller than I have ever felt before! I felt a tightness of posture suddenly, a grace and stride in my walk, and the distinct feeling that I am royalty, that my feet had never known dust! After that I was asked to look down at my feet by Dr.Lakshmi, and I saw that was indeed true! My skin was the color of amber-honey and I wore gold heavy anklets and a snake-like amulet in my upper arm. I felt something soft and cold move near my feet, and I saw snakes slithering around me while I was in a passage with gold embellished pillars and archways, carrying a plate of gold. I felt gold like never before! 🙂 Snakes it seems were common pets… even in the rich, luxurious baths incensed with roses and other scents with flowers floating around. Moreover, I felt vanity in me which took me by complete surprise. Later I went on to discover I became engaged to a general, a person whom I had connected in my current lifetime very deeply to, but had never cared about him, and lesser still loved him. I later went on to marry him, but ended up having multiple affairs because I loved the status of being married to a general as brave as him, but wanted to have my own conquests to satisfy my vanity. On being regressed to a significant event of that life, I saw this man I’d married lying dead on the royal bed. It came to me then that he had died of heartbreak because I had never realised the importance of love, and loved him. I saw myself kneeling at the bedside and kissing his feet begging for his forgiveness, and realising the futility of money, wealth and vanity.
The purpose of this session was to explore a relationship of this lifetime. The general in that lifetime was someone I had had a tumultous relationship with in this life, and who had left me out of fear that I will cheat him. It was an emotional torture from both sides because we could never develop trust but still felt insanely obligated towards each other, and even a year after breaking up I was not able to accept his disappearance from my life. After this very profound session, I was able to watch the habitual thinking about him my mind had developed with an observational point of view, being completely emotionally detached from the thoughts. Eventually, the thoughts died out.

>Clairaudience – Listening. Here a person can hear a different language being spoken, names from that lifetime being called out and other sounds playing while the person is regressed to that lifetime.
Experience: I was assisting a regression session being done on a fellow therapist who has herself had many PLR sessions done on her. This was one of my practice sessions during my PLRT training. As she regressed back to an ancient Indian lifetime, she started to recall everything! She relayed to us her name as she was called out in the fields, the sound of her ghungroos(anklets) as she was running across them, the sound of the bullock ploughing the farm and later on even  a man selling peanuts at the newly built railway station. It was astonishing for me and my fellow therapist to the detail in which she experienced all of this.

Most people have one dominant way of receiving information, while the other senses are generally muted. Over a period of sessions however, our senses open up more and there comes a time when we completely experience a memory through a balance of all these 4. I generally recommend 3 sessions for a person to completely understand PLR for themselves and integrate the experience intellectually, to know which of the senses of that person are really active and to allow the flow of information without mental inhibitors – thoughts.

* How many sessions will I need?
Generally the first session is a deciding factor. As I have mentioned above, I generally suggest 3 so that the mental receptivity of that person increases with every session. But there are cases where in the first session itself the person has experienced such a fine level of detail that a person feels “changed”. There are also cases where the person’s analytical mind or resistance is so strong, that after 5 sessions with various techniques tried, the person has been unable to see or feel much. There are also many sessions wherein the person has fallen asleep, but the inner subconscious is listening actively!
Experience: In one of my sessions, the first in a line of 3 sessions that I conducted for this client, the person went into a deep relaxed state, but so deep that he stopped talking altogether. I thought he was in sleep since his face was completely immobile. I asked him if he was seeing anything. No response. I then asked if he was feeling any sensations in his body. No response. Then I tried the Ideomotor technique, where I told him to lift any finger of one of his hands if he could hear me. And he did! Then I guided him out of the session. Until I counted forwards up to 5, there was again no response. However, when I said 5 and told him that he will awaken now, he promptly opened his eyes as if from a good night’s sleep and apologized for having slept off in the session. When I told him about the Ideomotor response he had given just a few minutes earlier, he was astounded since he believed he was fast asleep. This session gave me an understanding of how the mind operates even at the subconscious level, and how hypnotherapeutic tapes are actually effective.

It is also important to understand that some sessions have an immediate effect while others take time to reveal their effects in your life. This varies from person to person and case to case. We generally recommend a period of 20 to 40 days for the spiritual process which has started through the session to complete its course show its corresponding physical manifestation in your life.
Another subtlety I have observed is that a person generally doesn’t get too emotionally connected in the first session itself. The best way for a PLR session to work is to completely be there and experience the emotions in their entirety so that complete re-living and hence relieving of that issue takes place.

As described by Judy Hall, a famous past life regressionist, a person generally experiences PLR in 3 phases:
>> First is when a person simply sees images like an observor watching a movie, or photographs, in a completely detached way. Generally the images are very rapid or even blurred at times. Even a non-seeing person gets bits and scraps of information, or hears faintly or feels somewhat unsurely.
>> Second stage is when the person actually finds him/her self there, experiencing the memory.
>> Third stage is when the person actually feel every emotion of the session, regardless of whether the memory was clear to him/her through any of the 4 senses. These are the most effective sessions when a person completely surrenders and is in a state of flowing with his/her emotions. True catharsis happens and this catharsis may continue even hours after the session in the form of crying, writing, speaking, etc. In addition to the catharsis, deep soul retrieval also takes place when one goes into a complete surrender state.
However, there is no fixed measure of the number of sessions a person will take to experience the totality of emotions.

* How long does a session last?
It again depends on the receptivity of the individual taking the session. On an average, a session goes to about 1 and a half to 2 hours, plus the pre-session and post-session-integration discussion. However, I have heard from Dr.Newton regarding a session he took which lasted 6 hours! One must keep aside ample of time for the session – i.e both the therapist and the client.

* Is there any preparation required from the person who is going to undergo the session before or after the session?
Yes. There is a fair bit of ‘preparation’ which includes the following:
1. Vipassana Meditation­ ­- Due to so much mind activity we do on a daily basis as well as improper sleep we generally take, I recommend people to meditate 40 minutes per day for one month before coming to the session. When you come for the session, you should be used to being in a thoughtless state of mind which gets cultivated through the vipassana or ana-pana-sati meditation technique. This will allow you to extract maximum benefit from every session you take. Moreover, even after the session one must meditate to continue healing and integrate the learnings gained from the session.
2. Observing your dreams­ – Often leading up to the session, and even more so after the session, one gets very significant dreams. Many a times, the spiritual work and realizations of a session continue in dreams. One must keep a book and pen handy to write down immediately everything remembered from the dream(s). Many feel they don’t have dreams, which is not true. Regarding those who feel they can never remember their dreams, it takes a fair amount of practice and laying down a strong intention while falling asleep to remember them after waking up. This is exactly like programming the mind to wake up at a particular time every morning like a bio-alarm. Dream observation for 40 continuous days yields the soul’s own language of talking to you through your subconscious. Like each one with a different fingerprint, every soul has a unique way of communicating to oneself, in the form of dreams, through metaphors, past life memories, symbols, etc. Discovering it reveals talents and sides of you that you’d otherwise never be aware of. and can be quite fascinating.
3. Observing a vegan diet – Food is the body’s primary way to take in Cosmic energy. At the time when you are spiritually working on your self, it is best to regulate the kind of food you eat, such that it keeps you at a high vibrational frequency. Observing a vegan diet, devoid of meat and eggs is the best way to do this. An increase in the intake of fruits with a reduced consumption of milk and milk products is even better. Also, one can observe an organic diet as it is the best. Moreover, one should avoid junk foods totally.
4. Keeping aside time on the day of the regression – Make sure you haven’t come from a crazy shopping spree or a movie to take a past life regression, as you would find it difficult to focus. Come in and if required, take some time to get acquainted with the place and the therapaist before the session. You can also meditate with the therapist before even starting the pre-session talk to get focussed. Moreover, ground yourself after the session. Planning a hectic schedule after the session is a bad idea. One might feel too disoriented from an intense session to be going out for a movie or being in the midst of crowds. Planning a relaxing activity after the session like taking a walk in a peaceful place, playing with kids and pets, painting, pottery or gardening, etc is a good idea.
5. Keeping in touch with the therapist – Even after a very satisfactory session you might have questions occuring to you regarding a myriad of things. It’s good to keep in touch with the therapist and get these cleared or get guidance on the same. It helps both the therapist and you if you provide feedback to the therapist regarding the benefits or changes you observed in your life after the session, especially a month to 40 days after the session.
6. Choosing the right therapist – Meet the therapist before the first session. Take time to guage your comfortability with him/her. Ask questions, read books. It is very important to be completely comfortable and trusting the therapist completely with your issues/concerns prior to the session. Remember the therapist is a guide, not an absolute. Ultimately your own feelings take precedence.

crea Written by:


  1. June 12, 2009

    Good detailed work, Deepti. Am so proud of you that you are doing something I cannot and envy – writing down experiences.
    You are damn good and hard working, I tell you!

  2. Manisha
    August 14, 2009

    Hey Dipti,

    The kind of efforts you have taken for this is amazing. You are great!! I am so glad that I met you and getting to learn the things I was in search of badly. This writing of yours is just tremendously Awesome :).I really like the way each and every statement is written and explained.

  3. August 19, 2009

    Hi Dipti,

    I am sure you do not know me. I am Manisha’s friend. Thanks to Manisha for introducing me to your work. Your hard work and writting is amazing. Thanks. Looking forward to see you sometime.

    • August 19, 2009

      @Snehal, Manisha: Thanks for the compliment! 🙂
      @Susheel: Waiting to put up your PLR stories on your blog… its really riveting and inspiring…
      love and light,

  4. Dawit
    December 15, 2010

    I am very impressed Deepti. I have to confess, I don’t know too much about PLR, but I found the whole thing very intriging.

  5. January 13, 2014

    I like looking through an article that will make people
    think. Also, thank you for permitting me to comment!

    • January 26, 2014

      Thank You Katharina. Do share it around. 🙂
      Love and Light

  6. Yogesh
    April 28, 2015

    Could I know contact details.
    I am looking forward to have PLR session

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