I was just returning from office in the company bus when I thought of the 5-day Archangel hosting ritual my dear friend had given me. I was confused about how to go about it on the second day and so messaged this friend about it. Turned out he was busy in a recording studio. I had asked him to message back in return whenever he had time and instead, to my surprise, he called me up. In the background I could hear the recording sounds as he was speaking to me. This brief call lasted barely a minute but majorly shifted my life. I recalled my dad, who’s a violinist, who often calls me up when he is in the middle of a wonderful show in which he, or some other musician is performing, just to have me listen to something that had moved him. As I recalled this incredible gesture, tears sprang forth in my eyes. For years I had been struggling with the feeling of being “abandoned” as a child. For weeks I had uncovered this ‘personal lie’ that I felt being shut out by people – rejected and outcast. However, as I recalled my dad playing for me “happy birthday” when I was miles away from home, or when I had run away from home in search of solitude, or the hours and hours of musical listening we did together all through my childhood, and the hours of effort he took and the amount of money he spent in nourishing my singing talent, I was stumped as to how deaf I had been. The ego had fallen. As I sat down at night journaling, I decided to write, in bold, in a place I would NEVER forget, my deep appreciation for including me in his most creative life experiences (or life urges). As I finished this, I felt compelled to thank and appreciate other people who have INCLUDED me in their life experiences which has touched me to the core of my heart. (In no specific order except the first) —
I. To DAD – For being my Soulmate…the anchor my life still stands on – I DEEPLY APPRECIATE you for INCLUDING me in your life everytime you heard a soul stirring tune that moved your heart, for every musical performance you shared with me over the phone, no matter how much the distance between us – for including me in your life urge!
II. I deeply appreciate Swapo, Aai, Baba, Mau and Manas for including me in -* talks about personal relationships,* simple and delicious meals and snacks and sharing feelings as a mother,* playing games with her and her excitement of me sleeping over at her place,* talks about football and Italy and europe,* and most of all, including me in their home
III. I deeply appreciate Dhivya,Mahen, Lassi and Neeraj for including me in their family with open arms and sharing the most significant moments of their life with me.Deep gratitude for the Gift of Life you taught me to trust in dear Dhivya.
IV. I deeply appreciate Jacqueline Aunty and Doreen and her kids and husband for making me a part of their lives and teaching me how wonderfully deep and real relationships can truly be through the chemistry that you share! Thank You Jacqueline Aunty for including me and exemplifying timeless love, and teaching me “Pattoyache Khoy”. Thank You Doreen for sharing so many lovely conversations about Danielle Steele that I missed during my teen years. Thank You for filling up the spaces in my memories. And BIG thank you to your wonderful gesture of including me in the Panjim Sale with your wonderful family. Thank You Jacqueline Aunty for teaching me the value of including your family unconditionally.
V. I deeply appreciate Babul for including me in his endless creative visions, spiritual talks, the generosity of spirit whenever he is around me, his healings, his unique observations about life, his incredible life-altering guidance and beyond-mind life urge! I deeply appreciate Aarti for including me in her home, in her space, her love, her kindness, in her care, in her angel talks, in sharing this deeply transforming ritual, in her healing sessions, in her visions, in her creativity, in her reflections of life! So deeply grateful to you for including me.
VI. I deeply appreciate Praful and Avanti for including me their home, and including me in their reality of the most inspiring soulmate relationship I have ever seen!I am deeply and humbly grateful to Praful for including me in his thoughts, in his music when I am low, in the trust he has in me to guide him, in his unconditional faith in me(even in my flaws), in his incredible smileys, good humor and genuine, gentle wisdom in every chat in office and in the endless meals and teas and coffees and most of all, for including me in his endless laughter and priceless guidance at work. Love You. I am deeply grateful to Avanti for including me in her meals, her beautiful and carefully created home and her infinite love for life. Thank you dear soulmates for such incredible heart-warming support!
VII. I deeply appreciate Praks and her family for including me in her home, making me feel precious, welcome and equal, for including me in her utmost spiritual experiences of her life, for including me as her friend, for including me in her Creative Life Urge, and her creative impulses of eating out, going out and connecting with people. Thank You Praks for sharing such beautiful moments of your life with me.
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