Understanding our parents

This is a beautiful Louise L. Hay meditation on understanding and blessing our parents:

My parents, too, were once children. Now is the time for me to stand up on my own two feet, to support myself, to think for myself, to give myself what my parents could not give me. The more I learn about their childhoods, the more I understand their limitations. No one taught them how to be parents. They were living out the limitations of their own parents. Parent issues are something that we all deal with every day. The best we can do is to love and accept them as they are and affirm that they love and accept us as we are. I do not use my parents as an excuse for the negative parts of my life. I bless my parents with love, and we are all free to accept happiness that is meaningful to us.

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  1. Vijaylakshmi Nadar
    July 28, 2011

    Beautiful 🙂 And so very right…

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