The path beyond somewhere…
The approach to spiritual progress isn’t one of “getting somewhere,” as there is no “where” to get. Instead, you’re guided to transcend your ego and shed all illusions so that Truth stands revealed.
The sun is always shining; you need only remove the clouds.
On your spiritual journey to a higher truth, here are 12 life lessons to contemplate. It is in reading, rereading, and contemplating the meaning behind the words that one’s understanding ripens.
1. It is not really necessary to subdue the ego, but merely to stop identifying with it.
2. It is a relief to let the mind become silent and just “be” with surroundings.
3. Reality becomes self-evident when the obstructions of perception and mental activity are removed, including all belief systems.
4. The inner truth reveals itself when all other options are refused by surrender to God.
5. When one realizes that one is the universe—complete and at one with All That Is, forever without end—no further suffering is possible.
6. The love of God is absolute and unconditional. The sky does not “be” for some people and “not be” for others, nor does the sun shine on only a select few who have been arbitrarily chosen. God is complete and total.
7. The Self is like one’s inner grandmother who watches over a child so he does not forget to take his raincoat or mail the rent check.
8. It is not possible to arrive at Truth and ignore consciousness, because Truth is the very product of consciousness.
9. To even hear of enlightenment is already the rarest of gifts. Anyone who has ever heard of enlightenment will never be satisfied with anything else.
10. Enlightenment is the ultimate aesthetic awareness, for it allows the beauty of creation to shine forth with stunning clarity.
11. The goal of society in general is to succeed in the world, whereas the goal of enlightenment is to transcend beyond it.
12. In the end, it will be found that the sacrifice of letting go of the mind is actually the greatest gift one can receive.
Since he was three years old, Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., felt a heightened awareness of life. In his lifelong quest to solve the paradox of existence, he discovered a path of enlightenment that is scientifically compelling to modern society. Known around the globe as an internationally renowned psychiatrist, consciousness researcher, spiritual lecturer and mystic, Dr. Hawkins is the author of more than eight volumes, including the bestseller Power vs. Force. His authorized biographer Scott Jeffrey has compiled a new collection of inspiring passages from Dr. Hawkins’s work in this month’s new release:Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the Self.
Reproduced from the Hay House newsletter – Hay House Present Moments – since it was very inspiring.
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