Have you written a letter lately?

As usual I had an anger tantrum with my parents. I couldn’t shout or scream. But I cried and cried and my fingers wrote and wrote. But this time it wasn’t in my diary. It was on an orphaned sheet of paper. I wrote until I was empty and it was full. Then I took that note and cellophaned it to the door of our fridge for my parents to read. I was nine.

I had forgotten about my ability to heal myself through the art of letter writing until I attended Nithya’s workshop in 2010. And then it struck and stuck.

Since the past 2 years I have written letters – letters of gratitude, letters of anger, letters of love, or forgiveness and nowadays I write Post-Its and put them up on my bedroom wall. These are not letters to people always. For a year I wrote to money. I wrote to it how bad and angry it made me feel by playing such games with me and ruining my relationships. I wrote to God telling him I was angry at him for not listening to me. I wrote to my house that I partly owned telling it I hated it for not attracting good tenants. I wrote to my job pleading it to make me feel loved.

Apparently, every time I have written to any of these, they have replied in mysterious ways. My heart healed and I could see them as loving beings. The situations passed and I restored faith and healed my relationship with them.

Writing to myself has healed me. Appreciating myself, writing a gratitude letter to myself has always brought tears to my eyes. “God! I love being Me!”, I find myself exclaiming. 🙂

For a few friends and for myself, writing endless letters to a past lover and mailing them to yourself worked wonders! Everything I wanted to say to them felt said when I read this mail in my own mailbox.

Nowadays, Post-It’s are a hit – I love putting Post-It’s saying, “Dear Deepti, You are the joy of my life!” or “Dear Deepti, You are so graceful!”.

The simplest acts filled with love are the most powerful healers.

So have you written a letter lately? 🙂Image

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