High Time (EFT script)

With the solar flare that happened yesterday, I have been experiencing a lot of emotional upheavals…it’s as if one moment I am in base camp and the other I am on Everest! It’s dizzying and having experienced this last time there was a solar flare, I was mentally prepared.

So I did what experience had taught me – drink lots of water, have lots of fresh fruits and veggies and stay connected to your emotions. Hence, I have been flooding myself with EFT because intuitively I feel like diving underwater and staying under, until this whole energy passes.

Yesterday itself I went through a strong healing process of my “infant self” as a part of my Inner Child healing (shall be put up soon on my blog) which I later followed up with the Brad Yates EFT and then Sangeeta Bhagwat’s EFT scripts of Personal Freedom and The Road Less Travelled.

Today I have been feeling a lot more “cleaner” and grounded as a result. Hence, I am elated that Sangeeta put up a script that describes exactly what I am feeling strongly – a strong sense of  needing to emerge now has been filling me up (I even bought a top with butterflies on it!) and here is a script to support this exact process and surf this wave of change…

High Time (EFT script)

Today I also reconnected in a way with one of my dear spiritual teachers, Nithya Shanti, through his Tedx talk. I hang onto his every word (as always) and he is the one who indirectly introduced me to EFT. As I heard this talk, I was once again reminded of having so much to learn, to practice and it inspires me, for I love being a learner! So I am also sharing his very inspiring talk with you. If you get a chance to attend any of his lectures/seminars, do attend. He is truly one of a kind! 🙂

In love and delight

crea Written by:


  1. July 17, 2012

    The solar flares affect the electromagnetic fields of the planet and for those of us who are sensitive, these do have a noticeable impact. So thanks for sharing this Deepti.

    For the benefit of other readers who may experience similar challenges, earthing is also very helpful, i.e. walking barefoot on the ground.

    And if you would like a structured way to stay present and grounded, perhaps this post will help: The Pause Diet for Joy and Peace – http://serenereflection.wordpress.com/2010/12/25/the-pause-diet-for-joy-and-peace/

    love and light 🙂

    • July 17, 2012

      Merci Sangeeta! Shall go through the Pause Diet soon…
      I’m so glad you shared this with us! 🙂

  2. July 20, 2012

    i want to know a little about the solar flare you mentioned. I am totally unaware of the context and wondering if it was a concept.

    • July 22, 2012

      Dear Aditya,
      You can Google up on “solar flares” and you will get tons of material. Moreover, check out Sangeeta’s comment below yours where she explains how to ground yourself during such an event.
      Thanks for dropping by. Hope you find the relevant information.

  3. Ess
    July 25, 2012

    Thanks for sharing this 🙂 Lovely post and loved the talk by Nithya Shanti.

    • July 25, 2012

      Great you could read this dear. 🙂 And will let you know when Nithya Shanti is in Mumbai so you can hop into one of his talks.
      Lots of love

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