What If…

This post is inspired by author Sangeeta Bhagwat’s post on “Changing the Calling Card

What if I told you I do lie sometimes…
What if I wanted to work, without promotions or a pay hike…
What if the authority I feared the most had just turned around to support my dreams…
What if I still loved someone seven seas and a lifetime away…
What if I could forgive a friend for not loving me back and leaving me alone instead…
What if I want intimacy only….and no lovemaking…
What if I wanted to live in and not marry….
What if I wanted to see you grow old, and be amazed at how well you do it…
What if I wanted to live with my friends without them paying me rent…
What if I carried a lovechild that a community helped me raise…
What if I was so happy with myself that everyone around is a compliment…
What if I am so content that every happening is a bonus….
What if I said this is the furthest I had ever imagined about life,
…and now I wanted God to take over…
What if I found joy so eternal, that I never had a wish again…
What if I am on the brink of discovering how powerful my heart is,
…and weave the magic it contained…
What if I realised there is no present moment, when you are blinded by grace…
What if I realised that the highest a relationship can reach
…is a pure “Thank You” spelt between the eyes…
What if I realised that I am spinning in the unknown,
…only that this time I am eager in all that awaits…
What if enlightenment is nothing,
…but for a decision that you are all that you seek.

crea Written by:


  1. July 26, 2012

    Honest, from the heart and exploring fresh, new vistas… Beautiful!
    Thank you πŸ™‚ much love!

    • July 27, 2012

      Much gratitude for “sparking” this exchange Sangeeta…

  2. Chittaranjan Kaul
    July 27, 2012

    What if all “what ifs” vanished and left behind wonder at “what is”

    • July 27, 2012

      πŸ™‚ …only gratefulness will set in…
      thank you for walking in.

  3. Vishrut Sinha
    July 27, 2012

    Loved it, and also the ‘what is’ comment πŸ™‚

    • July 27, 2012

      Thanks for coming by Vishrut…long time…
      Ya…the “what is” really triggered…as always… πŸ˜‰
      Tc…see you soon.Love

  4. ambika
    July 29, 2012

    Beautiful to be ready to receive all the ‘what if’s’ when they manifest as ‘here it is’.

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