A life without a dream is a life waiting to be lived. At least this is how it was for me until a few months back I started discovering mine.
So here goes another list:
1. Write a book based on the journey that has been so far, to attempt an answer to the 2 questions I am asked the most – “what made you turn to spirituality so young?” and the one I am unable to answer in a single line – “how has it changed your life?”
2. Start an Inner Child healing center in my hometown,Pune, that will empower people to learn basic tools I wish we were taught as children to understand and heal our emotions and thoughts.
3. To work with children exposed to sexuality at a very young age through abuse and help them heal their understanding of it and discover what enlightened sexuality is.
4. To write a film and co-direct it, based on a “new world” vision that keeps appearing actively in my imagination.
5. To enable a world free of hunger under the guidance of Jasmuheen, who has been a living example and inspiration of what a life free from the need for external food can be.
6. To act in a Woody Allen film.
7. To pilot an aircraft solo.
8. To go on a hot air ballon ride for 3 months at a stretch with a loved one.
9. To own a yacht and sail around the world solitary
10. To spend a year in a Buddhist monastery meditating, high up in the Himalayas.
So to fulfill the first one I have set out on a journey to compile all the conversations, incidents, events and inner work that has turned my life around 360 degrees.
Hence, I am on a sabbatical and this is my last post before beginning the first chapter of my book. For the next few weeks, until September first week, there shall be no posts, no replies to mails or messages. I apologize if anyone feels ignored as a result, and hopefully you’ll understand later. 🙂
A bientot.
Go for it!
Merci! 🙂