Dear friends,
I had recently attended the Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists, held yearly at Pyramid Valley in Bangalore. As a regular visitor to this conference, I was once again trusted with the amazing responsibility of hosting Erik Berglund, an “angel in person” in Pune. The very first time I organised a workshop, it was Erik’s, back in 2010. And just organising it in itself is a great learning experience.
About Erik: (
Erik Berglund is a healer, a harpist (his harp is one of the few original Celtic harps in the world which you can see in the picture below), an awesome singer (his soaring vocals always leave many in the audience crying & speechless), composer and above all, an angel. He comes all the way from Mt.Shasta, California, where he holds a conglomeration of healers from around the world. He is also a reincarnation of Hans Christian Anderson, the man who wrote almost all our beloved fairy tales.
My personal experience with Erik: The first thing I always mention about Erik is that you don’t even have to be a clairvoyant to see his wings. They are so tangible! When I attended his healing sessions as part of the Global Congress way back in 2010, it was a highly liberating experience. It helped me open the connection to my heart like never before. More so, I felt like a child in heaven. And I am not surprised that for anyone I’ve met who have been with Erik, they say the same thing. You become a child in God’s lap when you are with Erik. I had attended his workshop then called “Releasing from the Matrix”. If you have seen the movie Matrix and have resonated at some level, then most spiritual scientists say that this is the truth of our evolution. At one point, we were trapped into an energetic matrix on this planet, through a “plug” put into our neck. We all hold deep subconscious memory of it. This was where we experienced loss for the first time. Hence, our primal fear, is the fear of separation from the source because this is where we lost our multi-dimensionality and constant connection. In this workshop, a couple of years ago, Erik guided us over 2 very intense days, through a complex set of mudras, visualisations and guided meditations through the different points of our body, and liberating us point by point from the matrix, and subsequently connecting those points to 3 star systems – Pleaides, Sirius and Arcturus. Though the process is indescribable, some of us experienced deep trauma release, past life memories, abstract visions, the effect it had on me was, for the first time in my life, I felt my feet touch earth. I felt earth was home for the first time. I remember the day after the workshop as I was travelling around in Bangalore, just crying with gratitude and feeling the motherhood of earth finally embracing me. Ever since, my whole journey has shifted to feeling earth and feeling her energies. My food habits, health and the way I relate to this planet has profoundly shifted. Imagine listening to Her every now and then! In a deep way, I got a “sense” that I shall never lose the ground again.
We are very lucky that people like Erik, who have been involved in healing for over 30 years are here so close by taking us through very deep complex spiritual sciences.
The above workshop shall be held in Mumbai. The Facebook event for this is here.
This time in Pune, he shall be holding the workshop Preparing for the changes of December 2012 and beyond. The Facebook event for this is here.
What does that mean? Our planet is going through changes, undeniably. For many, the big picture is that it is in the conception stage where a new earth with a new ecology, a new weather map, a new topography & even a new set of magnetic poles is coming into being. While all said and done, we are part of this change. We might treat ourselves special and smart but at this point, quite bluntly, we are just one part of a grand evolution of this planet. We are gifted though – we have our minds and we have hearts. By using these wisely and in sync with the earth’s changes, we can have the humility to help the transformation happen with greater ease. It is like helping a mother in her final stage of pregnancy go through her contractions. We are part of the contractions and yet we are also the witnesses. Erik would be focussing on how we can co-evolve with our planet. For example, one of the things Erik would teach is the Healing Earth Symbols. I asked him what they were and he shared a story with me that he was at Dallas airport, stuck there. All the airports had to be shut down as there were 30 tornadoes that had sprung up. At that time he got together with a group of people and they started doing these healing earth symbols. Very soon the weather quietened down, and they all started moving around. Things went back to normal. At another location, they made an orange symbol on a lake. The lake was flooded with orange dragonflies where no one had ever seen a single dragonfly! By the way, dragonflies happen at only high energy spots. They are also said to be an evidence of a strong fairy presence.
Another thing he would be focussing on is Restoring personal power lost over lifetimes. Now is the time when our work, health and way of living are aligned to our natural spiritual truths. However, since most of us have lifetimes being burned, molested & crucified for practicing a spiritual way of life, this power has been lost. And this is going to be a chance for us to retrieve our power back so we can complete ourselves.
If time permits, Erik would also be doing a lot of personal initiations for people.
Hence, if there is a resonance with your heart, please come. There are discounts available for group/couple participation. Looking for a true heart-based connection with you in this journey we undertake together. 🙂
In love and delight.
PS: If you would like to share the flier with your friends and loved ones who are in Pune during this time, the PDF file is here: Preparing for December 2012 & Beyond Flier
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