Angel Prayers

Prayers are the best way of letting go.

When I become aware that I am in a mental spin of worrying about something, I shift my attention through praying. A while ago I had found a lovely “Change Me” prayer that shifted me into a receiving space rather than a demanding space. Today I found some angel prayers on Doreen Virtue’s site and felt like saving them so that I can read them often.

A prayer to stop the pattern of people trying to take advantage of you

Dear God, I realize that in the past I didn’t feel worthy of attracting and maintaining true friendships. In those moments, I taught people about my feelings of low self-worth by doing too much for them, without expecting anything in return. Now that I realize this pattern, I need your help to disentangle myself from those who have learned they can take advantage of my generous nature and low self-esteem. Please send your mighty Archangel Michael to shield me from people who do not act in integrity. Please help me to have the strength to say “No” to unreasonable requests, and to not be swayed by manipulations. Please help me to learn how to ask for and receive help from others, instead of always being the one who gives until I’m drained. Thank you for replenishing my energy and helping me to value myself. Thank you for sending true supportive friends to me, and helping me to let go of people who don’t honor me. Amen.

Glenyss Bourne via
A prayer to stop sabotaging yourself

Dear God, Please help me to accept your bountiful gifts and to know that I, like all of your children, am worthy and deserving of a healthful, safe, and joyous life. Please help me to release any old negative concepts about my self-worth, and help me to see myself as you see me: through the eyes of love. Please help me to value and honor myself, including allowing support to abundantly flow to me. Thank you for helping me to know that it’s a sign of strength to ask for and allow myself to be helped, and to gracefully accept help and support.


In Doreen’s words, “Praying for help is a lot like mailing a letter: You need to let go of the envelope before it can reach its destination. So, let go and let God be in charge of unfolding an ingenious and miraculous solution for this situation

Finally, another of Tosha Silver’s lovely…

Change Me Prayer for Surrender

“Change me Divine Beloved into One who wishes to genuinely let You take the lead. Let me know true surrender, openness and acceptance. Take over my actions, so I know when to act, and when to …pause.”

Glenyss Bourne via
Glenyss Bourne via


crea Written by:


  1. July 27, 2013

    Very nice post, Deepti… I liked the line: “praying for help is a lot like mailing a letter: You need to let go of the envelope before it can reach its destination” 🙂

    • July 27, 2013

      Thanks Aalif, that line touched me as well. 🙂 It helped to interact with you over comments and drop the whole idea of a ‘perfect post’ and post this one. Hope you liked the images as well. I find it hard to get the right pictures…do let me know how you get the right images for your posts.
      Love 🙂

  2. Alpa
    July 30, 2013

    Lovely and thanks for sharing.

  3. September 10, 2014

    Reblogged this on Flowering of eternity and commented:

    Yesterday I received another beautiful validation of the angels. Someone who couldn’t reach their parents in Kashmir messaged. Immediately I saw a worried parent and prayed to the angels –
    “Dear Angels, please go to the people of Kashmir and please reveal your presence to them. Please fill them up with faith in their hearts and minds, so they reach out to you and make these transitions with ease, without drama. Please let them know they are deeply loved by God”

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