R.I.P, Erik Berglund

When I saw him for the first time I could almost touch his wings. I didn’t need clairvoyance. His eyes twinkled with kindness and I was touched by his mere presence. And then came his laughter – tinkering like Peter Pan’s! The soft hair on his head felt like it was sprinkled with fairy dust.

Erik Berglund was a healer, harpist that I met in 2009 at the Global Congress of Spiritual Scientists, a yearly conference that invites healers from around the world to India to share their gifts in a pyramid built specifically for healing and transcendence. He was given a very short session of a few hours, but the love he brought into the audience made the organizers extend his session. He then did a 2-day workshop on releasing from the matrix, where we were taken through working on specific points in our body inviting the star systems of Sirius, Pleiades and Arcturus with specific meditations and visualizations to heal the primal wound of being trapped into the three dimension of the earth. We were taken through the 8-hour, 2 days of intense meditations so smoothly that something at a very deep level was inexplicably healed without making us feel “ungrounded”. I felt a belonging to earth like I had never before.

Inspite of the complicated techniques he took us through, his simplicity shone through. All that mattered eventually was that we were in a place of love. I would be content just being in his presence.

One evening during the conference I sat with him, like one of his little lambs. I was offered the opportunity to arrange a workshop for him in Pune. I immediately said yes. How could anyone resist having one more day, one more hour of that smile, of that angelic kindness? It was a workshop on creating abundance. And then was a concert on his “Ms.Harp”. I learnt so much working for him. That working for someone you truly love opens your heart in wondrous ways. And that is the only abundance you will ever need.

Soon I was listening to his CDs of angelic harp music night and day. His affirmation CDs on “Creating Abundance“, “Creating Paradise” and “Creating Healing” had so much love flowing through them that I was happy just hearing them. It returned me back to my heart from wherever my mind was. A year ago I had the good fortune to arrange another workshop for him in Pune. At that time I experienced abundance and love in action (if at all the two are to be separated). The workshop was overbooked. He told me to quote whatever amount that came intuitively as the energy exchange for the workshop. I learnt how powerful trust can be. It taught me to trust my intuition. He told me to further trust myself and distribute the amounts to the people who had made the workshop happen – the venue owners, the caterers. Money flowed gracefully. All in all it was the most tangible experience of abundance in my life. When he later did a personal session with me, I felt the energy of love and peace in action. He was a living example of love is power. I also had the skeptic in me say that angels and fairies is just “airy-fairy stuff”. Yet he proved it wrong each time. Once a woman came to my door saying she was led by the angels to pick up his CDs that I was selling. If ever I needed physical proof that angels exist, I just had to remember him.

Today he has passed on to the place he came from. He told me in his last workshop that he and I come from the same galaxy through a muscle testing exercise. I laughed. Whether we come from the same galaxy or not, I hope to come from the same place of embodying the love, light and angelic presence he brought to earth. I am deeply grateful to Life for leading me to someone as kind as him. 

Love, Peace and angelic beauty to you dear Erik. You have left us with more Presence than tears. Godspeed. Thank you. Angel Blessings.

Please click below for a download of one of his tracks that is a favorite of mine. 

Audio track: Angel of the Wind [5:56 seconds] from the album, Angelic Harp Music

with erik berglund

erik berglund

crea Written by:


  1. prem angel c.
    September 3, 2013

    I was gifted the opportunity to attend Eric s workshop in Pune. He truly was an Angel , with eyes so kind, and a voice truly heavenly. He even graced my home with his presence , which filled it with an angelic energy.
    M saddened to hear this news, but I know his aura will always be around.
    Thank you darling Eric for all you taught us, and the kindness that oozed from you.
    You truly were an Angel, and you must rejoice now with all your angels in Heaven.
    Angelic Blessings,
    prem angel c.

  2. September 4, 2013

    Thanks Deepti! I have his personalized birthday msg thanks to you! So grateful that I had the opportunity to be touched by him…

    • September 4, 2013

      Yes… had forgotten about that. 🙂 So grateful to you for choosing to do that first workshop and leading the way. Those were life lessons in action. Much love. Thanks for sharing.

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