Yesterday I received another beautiful validation of the angels. Someone who couldn’t reach their parents in Kashmir messaged. Immediately I saw a worried parent and prayed to the angels –
Angel prayer for assistance during natural disasters
“Dear Angels, please go to the people of Kashmir and please reveal your presence to them. Please fill them up with faith in their hearts and minds, so they reach out to you and make these transitions with ease, without drama. Please let them know they are deeply loved by God”
I told this person to send a telepathic message to them saying they are safe, and they are being awaited back home. This person meditated after this message and felt better. All day there were good news pouring in.
After reading the media’s flush on depression post Robin William’s passing, there was another prayer that instantly came through at the speed of light –
Angel prayer for depression, feeling low, feeling suicidal
“Dear Angels, please reveal your presence, support and unconditional love to all those who think they are alone in this world right now. Please nudge their distressful and painful thoughts out of their minds back into Source with your light. Please incarnate, if required, so that the trance of isolation and separation from Divine Love be forever broken and they see their oneness with all. All of this and better I ask for my friends across the planet, at this moment, suffering in loneliness and depression, in accordance with the highest Will of the divine”.
In fact, I often offer counselling over email so that those who cannot physically reach me, can still avail of the guidance coming through for them.
Recently someone was experiencing frequent car accidents. This is the angelic guidance for them that came through –
Angelic guidance for protecting your vehicle from accidents
“Cast an angelic protective net on the car as follows –
Imagine a protective covering of violet net on your car calling upon Archangel Michael. Imagine cords going to some lower consciousness or lower vibrational energies (you might even get a person’s face here). Now visualise Archangel Michael cutting this cord with his sword on a count of 3 (saying 1-2-3). Now imagine that lower vibrational entity returned to White Light. You can even imagine a Wise Master of a higher dimension receiving this low energy entity into his belly of White Light. Now see that Archangel Michael and Jophiel are cleaning out the energies from within the car. Visualise your own negative thoughts and emotions that you had when you were in the car being cleansed out and them blessing the car. Visualise your family sitting in the car and the angels gathered around blessing them. Thank them for their love, support. Ask them to accompany you for every journey you undertake in the car. Take a deep breath. Trust their guidance”
May you accept the angelic support that is there around you. The angels love ease. And prayer is the highest form of letting go.
Love and Light!
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