
From what I know Affirmations are the “starting points” of our Counsciousness.

When we wake up, our mind is still in the Alpha state from the Delta..theta and beta states, a state of no-action, wherein we can program our subconscious  and actively anchor positive thoughts as part of our subconscious makeup.

This is the best time to put in affirmations.

But affirmations are actually starting points of our Creation of our own reality. It’s like Intentions are the running part of the race, and Affirmations are the correct, kneeling down start of the race.

Affirmation is an Intention already received and being acknowledged in the Now.

I use Affirmations during routine activities like driving, meditating, healing, bathing, etc. I also use Affirmations while falling off to sleep.

A few of my favorites are:

  • “Each of us is Divinely protected”

  • “The UniVerse always takes very good care of my needs and desires”

  • “Everything is happening at the right time…for the best of everyone involved”

  • “All dreams are meant to come true”

More Affirmations tried and loved over time!

  • I step way outside of my comfort zone and when I do, I find unexpected joy and excitement!

~ Cheryl Richardson

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