I Complete Me

These are all the affirmations for understanding something very vital:

“I Complete Me”

I complete Me.
All the balance I need, I am now finding it in me.
All the Love in the Universe is being channeled by me.
I am my better half and my other half.
I love my company.
I can be absolutely true to myself about what I love and what I want.
I completely forgive myself for being ‘different’.
I completely love Me for all my tiny and big desires.
I fulfill all my needs.
Everything I need has found its way to me Now. I accept it all as gifts from the Divine.
The Divine in me, I worship Thee. –especially in a state of Prayer
I love and embrace the totality of my Being.
I love and accept completely the totality of my Creations.
I acknowledge the beauty of my Being.
I am Divine. You are Divine. We are Divine. All is Divine.

… additions by Nithya Shanti…….

All I need is within me now.
I am happy to be me.
I am right here.
This is really me.
I am me.
I do it.
I decide.
I am Source.
I Am.

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