“The biggest secret of life is when you discover yourself, the world discovers you”
“When you are begging the Universe to give you guidance, usually the Universe is begging you to take a step! Identify what it is and manifestation of dreams begins!”
“The Masters come to you…The realisations come to you…the Clarity comes to you…Life comes to you…you have to Be where you are,constantly centering your Self between Gravity and Intent,at the Heart.”
~ moi
“Love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don’t.”
— taken from Nithya Shanti‘s note
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
“A compliment a day keeps the counselor away”
“I worship Allah because He teaches me to worship myself as a compassionate human being in this Cosmos”
–moi, 25-March-2009
“Intelligence culminates as Love. Thought culminates as Silence. The Universe culminates as Now. Love Silence Now and you are already complete, already Home. All is well. Suchness abounds”
— Nithya Shanti, 2 June, 2009
“Everything happens for a reason… every reason is Divine”
“The Being of the Flower is open to the rain…welcomes it and dances in it”
— Nikhil Kapoor, 26th May, 2009
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