More and more I have been drawing inspiration from something that triggers me instantly – videos – a place where sound and vision marry and bring alive the learning.
This is a list of the videos I keep revisiting for inspiration again and again (in no particular order):
1. J.K Rowling’s Harvard speech –
This is a speech I go back to for the so many learnings J.K Rowling talks about. A memorable line for me is when she says that there is an expiry date to blaming your parents. My favorite part is when she describes the value of imagination in our lives, especially when she talks about her work at Amnesty International. It changed the value of imagination for me not just in the context of writing, but in the context of living as a whole.
2. Murmuration –
Nothing like nature to bowl you over in wonderment! 🙂 My inner child feels exactly like the girl at the end of this video after I watch it – murmuration is a collection of starlings and this video, which received so many hits when it was released, just proves that we still have so much to discover about nature. Eckhart Tolle says that birds are an enlightened form of animals. It is easy to see this. 🙂
3. 2012 – A Year of Power by Lee Harris –
I stumbled onto this video somehow when I was going through something early January 2012 that defied logic. I was on shaky ground and was struggling to understand what was happening. This is when this voice, these words and this video spoke to me in volumes. Ever since then, I follow Lee Harris closely. His voice makes my heart surge and his monthly messages bring about a very deep resonance.
4. Technology of Spirituality –
One of my office colleagues shared this video with me. It is a very funny, refreshing and yet, an enlightening take on what spirituality, or rather meditation is all about and its roots in the Indian culture. A lot of very interesting facts pulled in together by the Art of Living teacher, fondly called Bawa, to inspire one to meditate. For me, I truly connected the balance of Tamas, Rajas and Sattva to my own journey and could see the changes that have occurred in me as a result of meditating.
5. Thallasso Bain Bebe par Sonia Rochel –
As part of Rebirthing-Breathwork we are asked to watch videos of infants and birth because it can trigger memories of our own infanthood that can trigger a host of feelings related to our infant stage of development including making us feel overwhelmed, innocent, bubbly and vulnerable. I was transported by this 5-minute video of a French nurse giving a very meditative bath to a baby. The energy flowing between one human being to another is palpable as you watch this video in the silence of the running water and soft music. For me personally it triggered a deep memory where I would experience absolute oneness with water as a baby. I recollected how I was known in my family to have very long baths and never wanting to get out of them. Most of all, it triggered the infinite remembrance of what being held by absolute grace felt like in those baby days.
P.S: If you know of a video that you are inspired by, please do write to me at [email protected]. I would love to be inspired some more and so would many fellow readers I think! 🙂
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